Back to Business Basics – Automotive Marketing Strategy
3rd February 2021
The Back to Business Basics – Marketing for Automotive Programme will run from March-April 2021 and is brought to you by Supply Chain North East in Partnership and the North East Automotive Alliance (NEAA).
From Automotive Marketing Strategy to Marketing Essentials and Bespoke Marketing Support, the Back to Business Basics Marketing for Automotive Programme will help companies to understand the fundamental tools and techniques for successfully promoting, selling, and distributing a product or service in the automotive sector. Horizon Works is delighted to be the deliver partner for this programme.
The Automotive Marketing Strategy programme is broken into two: Automotive Marketing Strategy and Bespoke Marketing Support.
Automotive Marketing Strategy – 3 March 2021, 10.00am-12.00pm
Having a strong marketing strategy is key to your organisation’s growth and future success. Using clear and succinct marketing tactics can allow you to stand out amongst your competitors and achieve your business goals and objectives – particularly in the automotive sector. This session will include:
A step-by-step guide to your Snapshpot360 results.
Understanding your market research and data, marketing and sales successes from 2020 and your current situational
analysis – to effectively plan for the future.
Defining your sales and marketing objectives and how they can be achieved realistically – and what the critical
success factors are.
Setting out what tools you need to have in place to achieve your objectives – and how you need to review and shape
them for 2021.
Tips on how to choose the right channels to market and marketing tactics – and how to use these to your advantage.
And finally, a breakdown of what is required to put a simple strategy and plan together
Ahead of the session, delegates will be asked to complete Snapshpot360, Horizon Work’s marketing diagnostic tool which helps you measure your current marketing performance. You will receive the results ahead of your session so that you can focus on areas of improvement. With this training package you gain access to bespoke marketing support from Horizon Works. Results from the marketing diagnostic can help shape areas where you require further support.
Bespoke Marketing Support – Between 8-24 March 2021
Following on from your automotive marketing strategy session, delegates will be able to tap into bespoke marketing support from Horizon Works.
There are number of areas Horizon Works can support you with depending on the areas of improvement highlighted through your Snapshot360 marketing diagnostic results including:
A website review with recommendations for improvements and ideas to enhance your online presence.
Help in shaping your social media messages with a couple of visual ideas to get you on your way.
A review of all your marketing materials on and offline, with recommendations on what will make an impact in the automotive sector.
Help in shaping a case study template and the support putting it in practice with an actual case study.
Suggestions for your PR – mapping out ideas for stories over 3-6 months.
Helping you put the PR in essentials in place including mapping out key trade publications.
A review of your communications including emarketing, social media content and other campaigns with recommendations
for improvements.
Tips on how to review your data and campaigns, and suggestions for segmentation and targeted campaigns.
If you are interested in this programme please contact Samantha Vassallo by email samantha@horizonworks.co.uk.
Please note places are limited and a criteria applies.
Information on Supply Chain North East
Supply Chain North East brings together four key partners to work with over 800 businesses through to 2021, supporting them to identify opportunities in new and existing markets. An integral part of the North East Strategic Economic Plan, that has a vision to create 100,000 more and better jobs between 2014 and 2024. Supply Chain North East is delivered across the region by RTC North, Generator, North East Automotive Alliance (NEAA) and North East Process Industry Cluster (NEPIC).
Supply Chain North East is a multimillion programme aimed at revolutionising the way SMEs diversify their offering and embrace new markets. The programme has received more than £3m of funding from the England European Regional Development Fund, which is part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020.